Parent Information:
Welcome to Nundle Preschool
As your child starts out on this exciting journey which may be his/her first real separation from you, there must be many questions which come into both your mind and his/hers. We hope this booklet may help set your mind at rest and help you and your child to enjoy a happy association with this Preschool.
The Preschool is a community based preschool and one of only two across CWA under the auspice of the CWA of NSW. It is managed by the Nundle Branch of the CWA of NSW. The preschool has been providing early childhood education to the Nundle District for over 50 years Parents are encouraged to become members of the CWA and participate in the running of the preschool.
The CWA is advised, regulated and partly funded by the Department of Education and Communities and is responsible to them. This funding provides approximately half of our costs, the rest being covered by fees and fundraising
The preschool employs qualified staff and staff with significant experience in the early childhood care and education. Our staff provide a stimulating and varied programme that allows children to celebrate and enjoy their childhood while learning skills and concepts that will prepare them for school and life. Ongoing observations and developmental records are kept on each child to ensure their individual needs are being met.
Parents are welcome at the centre at all times. We value parental involvement in children’s education. Parents are encouraged to make contributions and suggestions to the curriculum content of the preschool.
Our Dedicated Team
Director/ Nominated Supervisor/Educator
Paula Sainsbury : Diploma of Children’s Service,
Early Childhood Teacher
Vicki Shepherd: Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood)
Catriona Adams: Children’s Services Certificate 111
Claire Borchard : Children’s Services Certificate 111
Tina Weatherby: Children’s Services Certificate 111
If you have any queries, complaints, suggestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either the Preschool Director or Nundle CWA. If you have a problem which you feel the CWA or the Director have not addressed, then you should contact the Department of Education and Communities
Department of Education and Care Directorate
PO Box 156,
Coffs Harbour
NSW 2450
1300 619 113
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8.45am – 3.15pm
What your child will need to bring
The younger child may need to bring a spare set of pants and trousers/dress.
A sun hat (bucket or legionnaire variety- (NO CAPS please) and sunscreen in the hot weather; warm coat and hat in cold weather.
Two cot sheets, a small pillow and blanket in winter if your child is younger or they are used to an afternoon sleep
Closed in shoes (e.g. joggers, closed toed sandals) with rubber soles are preferred for safety reasons. Please do not send your child in thongs, crocs or rubber boots.
Fruit Time: if you would like to your child can bring a piece of fruit, sultanas, carrot sticks etc. to share. Fruit is also provided by the preschool for children to share. Morning Tea/Lunch: Please pack a nutritious morning tea and lunch (avoiding chocolate biscuits, lollies, chips etc.). The preschool has a healthy eating policy and a copy of this is in this booklet
All food is to be packed in a clearly labelled lunch box which your child can open and close .
Drinks: Children should bring a drink bottle containing water, or plain milk. It must be clearly labelled. It must have a lid the child can secure.
NO glass bottles, please.
Curriculum Planning
Our curriculum is an evolving process based on the educational needs and interests of the children. Parents are invited to share in this process and to make comments and contributions to the curriculum content and the provisions, experiences and opportunities that we provide.
Areas of play provided for each day:
Indoor Activities: painting, drawing, creative corner, dramatic play, books, blocks, manipulative, modelling, sensory play, puzzles, special interest centre, mathematics, science, nature, drama, language and music.
Outdoor Activities: water play, sand play, dramatic play, quiet areas, gross motor equipment (balancing, climbing, jumping, swinging, throwing and catching).
Music: singing songs, finger plays and rhymes, movement to music, learning through rhythm and beat, playing instruments and participating in circle games.
Language: listening to stories, poems and rhymes, participating in group discussions, playing memory and vocabulary games.
Nundle CWA Preschool Philosophy
At Nundle CWA Preschool, we believe that childhood is a most important stage of life which should offer opportunities to maximise each child’s potential. The National Quality Framework principles guide our delivery of quality education. We believe in providing a safe environment for our children which promotes the health of each child. We believe the preschool is part of the wider community in which we live and we aim to have respectful and supportive relationships with our children’s families. By supporting our staff to be well trained and by providing enough staff to support each child in their learning we will be able to provide an environment where educators are focused, active and reflective in designing and delivering a program for each child. In relationship with the Early Years Learning
Nundle CWA Preschool Goals
Knowing where and to whom they belong
Acknowledging children’s independence with others, forming relationships with peers and carers
Encouraging self-confidence and self-esteem in our environment
Creating and meeting challenges in everyday life
Building and maintaining positive relationships with peers and carers
Encouraging the children to take on the responsibility of self-learning through questioning and experimentation, and coupling this with teacher guided experiences
Develop confidence in social skills, to enable children to learn and grow
Encourage confident and involved learning skills, incorporating problem solving, experimentation and increasingly complex thought processing skills
Using the children’s existing knowledge and skills to foster and nurture
Preschool Policies
Most of these policies are determined by the Education and Care Services National Law (2011), the Educational and Care Services National Regulations (2011), the National Quality Standard and the Early Years Learning Framework.
Throughout the year various policies will be displayed for parents to read and will be open for comment. These policy reviews are an invaluable part of our service, updating information with the needs of the community.
Our policy folder is on display near the sign in sheet. Parents are invited to read it at any time or request that a copy of a policy be provided for them. Some of our policies (in their condensed form) have been included in this booklet for your attention.
Fees Policy
At present Nundle CWA Preschool is fee free due to Start Strong funding. Please note this could change
4 year old
3 year old
Proof of income (Health Care Card) must be presented or full fee will be charged.
Occasional care is available for enrolled children, if vacancies exist. The full fee is paid for this, regardless of the child’s regular fee level.
Paying Fes
Individual accounts are sent home with children and must be paid within one month from the date of issue.
Affordability Assistance is available if you have a Health Care Card. Forms can be obtained from the Preschool if you feel you may be eligible for such.
Although it is the policy of the Preschool to have payments of fees on a term basis, alternative arrangements are offered- please speak to staff or the Nundle CWA Fees apply even if your child is absent through illness or due to holidays. (Exceptions to this clause exist in circumstances of long term illness).
The child’s parent or guardian is responsible for paying the child’s fees.
Fees must be given directly to the Administrative Officer or Supervisor. All payments will be entered in the fee payment book. A receipt will be issued by the administrative staff. Receipt for Child Care rebate for parents studying or working are available at the end of each term
Direct deposit is available. Our details for direct deposit are:
Name of Bank: Regional Australia
BSB: 932-000
Account Number: 712276
Account Name: Nundle CWA Preschool
Health and Safety
All teaching staff have current First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis training.
Sick or unwell Children
Nundle Preschool retains the right to exclude children who are regarded by the supervisor as obviously unwell. The supervisor has the right to request a medical certificate in cases of uncertainty and/or before a child returns after a period of illness.
Procedure when a child becomes unwell in care:
Supervisor will contact the parent/guardian and request that the child be collected from the centre.
If the parent is unavailable the emergency contact will be contacted.
While waiting to be collected the child will be placed in an area where they can have their own quiet space whilst being monitored closely.
If the child develops a temperature, every effort will be made to bring the temperature down – no medication will be administered.
An account of the child’s illness will be given to the parent/guardian or emergency contact on their arrival at the centre.
Staff at this service pride themselves in maintaining a healthy and hygienic work and play environment. We do this to help reduce the risk of cross contamination and hinder the spread of infectious diseases.
We follow the exclusion guidelines as set out by the NSW Department of Health.
Procedure for cases of an infectious disease;
Parents are asked to notify the supervisor if their child will be absent from the centre due to an infectious disease
Children suspected of having an infectious disease or early symptoms of an illness should be kept at home until the symptoms have been checked by a doctor
A medical certificate noting clearance of infection may be requested before your child’s return to the centre
Please advise the supervisor if your child has ever had asthma or an anaphylaxis reaction.
If so parents will need to complete a medication form and supply medication which can be kept at the centre along with an Action Management Plan completed by a G.P. for staff to follow in the case of a reaction
Staff are able to administer prescribed medications on behalf of parents. We do require that the first 24 hours of prescribed medication have been administered.
Procedure for providing medication
Parents are required to complete a “Medication Form”.
The medication form will contain the following information:
Name and DOB of Child
Name of medication
Reason for medication
Date and time to be administered
Time of last dosage
Dosage amount to be given (must correlate with instructions on label or will not be given)
Special considerations (e.g. to be taken with food)
Parent signature
Staff will also sign medication form, witnessing details
Parents must hand medication to a staff member – under no circumstances is medication to be left in your child’s bag
Medication must be supplied in the original container clearly stating pharmaceutical advice
Child’s name (prescribed medication will not be given to a child whose name does not appear on the pharmaceutical label)
Name of medication
Times and dosage
Expiry date of medication
Staff make every attempt to provide medication as per parental and pharmaceutical advice, but will not be held responsible if provision of medication is delayed or forgotten.
Accident and Injury
In all cases of minor injury, accident or incident, a report will be made. The procedure for parents and staff in case of injury, accident and/or incident is as follows:
Staff complete an accident/incident form noting:
Child’s name
Time of incident/accident
Nature of incident/accident
Nature of treatment given
Staff witness
In the case of a major accident/incident, parents will be contacted and ambulance will be called. If parents are unavailable, the Supervisor will contact emergency contacts. If these are also unavailable, the Supervisor will seek whatever medical treatment they deem necessary (as per enrolment form agreement).
A copy of the accident/incident report will be provided for the parents upon collection of their child. Parents are required to sign the report, acknowledging receipt of all information regarding the incident/accident.
It is the policy of the DECs that each child who attends be fully immunised. DECS regulations dictate that an immunisation record be completed on enrolment. The immunisation record must be a Medicare printout.
Sun Smart Policy
Outdoor activities will be planned to occur in shaded areas. During October to March outdoor activity times will be minimised between 11am to 3pm (EST)..
The preschool will provide adequate shade for outdoor play. Shade is provided by several large trees and by shade cloth over the sandpit and over both soft fall areas.
Children need to wear a Sun Smart hat that protects the face, neck, ears and crown of the head whenever they are outside or on an excursion.
Children without hats will be asked to play in the shade.
Children will wear Sun Smart clothing that protects as much of the skin as possible, especially the shoulders, back and stomach
Staff will apply SPF 30+ broad spectrum water resistant sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors when such is provided by the parents or carers.
Staff, families and visitors will act as positive role models and demonstrate Sun Smart behaviour when attending the preschool
Sun protection will be considered when excursions are being planned.
Sun protection awareness activities (both planned and spontaneous) will be included in the learning program.
Sun protection information will be promoted to staff, families and visitors.
All staff, families and visitors will be provided with a copy of the preschool Sun Smart policy.
Food and Nutrition Policy
The following strategies are enforced by the Nundle CWA Preschool to ensure that children receive food and drink which is safe, varied, nutritious and culturally diverse
Families will be provided with guidelines on food and suggestions for nutritious and safe foods.
Families will be provided with the preschools Food and Nutrition Policy.
Parents will be advised if the staff have any concerns.
Staff members will sit and supervise children during meal times.
Tap water will be the main drink and will be available, supplied by the centre, at all times.
Children will be taught about food and nutrition through food awareness activities, practical food preparation activities and discussions about food.
Food will always be available in case of an emergency.
Parents and carers will be informed of any items of food that they have sent to preschool which may be inappropriate.
“Yes” foods
Good nutrition involves eating a variety of foods. Encouraging healthy choices from an early age ensures good habits in the future. Healthy food choices include:
Breads and Cereals
Breads, bread rolls, bread wraps
Fruit loaf, fruit buns
Pasta (including tin spaghetti)
Noodles (NOT 2 minute noodles)
Crisp breads
Rice cakes
Milk and Dairy Products
Milk (fresh or long life)–
plain flavour onlyCustards (fresh or long life)– plain flavour only
Calcium fortified soy drinks
Cheese, cheese dips
Fruit and Vegetables
Fruit (fresh, frozen, packaged or tinned)
Vegetables/vegetable sticks (raw, cooked)
Meat and Meat Substitutes
Cold meats, meat balls (no processed meats)
Tinned fish (tuna, salmon)
Legumes and legume products (baked beans)
“No” foods
Foods such as chips and chocolate bars contain fat, salt and/or sugar and are NOT considered suitable for children.
Foods that are high in sugar (chocolate, lollies, and sticky fruit snacks) are also not good choices as they increase the likelihood of tooth decay.
Please do not send:
Processed meats (eg. Devon, ham, frankfurts)
Muesli bars
LCM bars
Fruit bars
Sweet biscuits
Lollies of any variety
Muffins or cakes
Cordial or fruit juice
Arrival and Departure of Children Policy
Parents are to take responsibility for all non-preschool aged children entering the centre.
Procedure for Arrival at the Preschool
Sign and record time of arrival on our attendance sheet at reception;
Apply sunscreen to your child
Go with your child and help them to wash their hands
Help your child to unpack their lunch into the fridge
Put bag and hat in your child’s designated hook
Exchange any information or instructions for the day with staff
Notify staff when you are ready to leave
Always say good-bye to your child
Procedure for Departure from the Preschool
When you collect your child from the centre the following procedure must be followed:
Sign and record time of departure on the attendance sheet;
Ensure your child washes their hands;
Help your child collect their bag from designated hook, ensure your child has all the items that they came with;
You must notify staff at the preschool if someone other than yourself will be collecting you child;
The person collecting your child must be listed on your child’s enrolment form as an authorised collector/emergency contact;
The person authorised to collect your child will be asked to show some identification.
If the person attempting to collect your child is not an authorised collector, we will undertake whatever reasonable measures we can to keep the child at the preschool until we are able to notify the custodial parent of the situation.
Other Things to Remember!
Please ensure your child’s bag is big enough to fit everything in.
Toys brought from home may be lost or broken. To avoid unnecessary distress, please leave toys at home unless they are needed for security reasons
Always accompany your child into the preschool room and into the care of an Educator.
Please ensure that if you have any messages about your child to tell the Educators in the preschool room.
Please talk to Educators if anything is distressing your child, either at home or preschool
Please call and notify us if your child will not be attending preschool for the day – we worry!
Some of the paint we use will stain clothes if washed in hot water. Paint stains should be easily removed if soaked overnight and washed in cold water with mild soap
Children get dirty at preschool. Choose clothes that are up to the task!!
We love sharing your child’s birthday and are happy to help them share their celebrations with their preschool friends
Useful Contact Phone Numbers
Tamworth Community Health – for speech, hearing, continence, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, physiology 67678100
Tamworth Family support 67632333
Benevolent society 67629700
Itinerant support Officer ( DET) 67658316
Aruma 1300538746
Nundle Community Health 67558001
Parent Line 1300130052
Tamworth Hospital 67677700
Poisons Information Hotline 131126
Governance and Management of
Nundle CWA Preschool
To ensure Nundle CWA Preschool has good governance we will:
Conduct our affairs legally, ethically and with integrity;
Identify organisational risks and legal obligations and manage these through policies and relevant processes;
And Ensure that the mechanisms are in place for fair and transparent governance.
Strategies Management
The management of Nundle CWA Preschool is overseen by Nundle CWA branch, as a subcommittee of CWA NSW, the Approved Provider of the service. CWA Nundle branch delegates the responsibility of implementing the day to day management of the organisation to the services director/nominated supervisor. The Nundle CWA branch is the employer of all staff of Nundle CWA preschool, and is responsible for the management and control of the service as a subcommittee of the Approved Provider of an education and care under the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations
CWA Nundle Branch will be involved in appointing and removing the Director/Nominated Supervisor and other staff members The Director/Nominated Supervisor, educators and administration officer are required to become members of Nundle branch CWA. The Preschool director/nominated supervisor are expected to report to the CWA at their monthly meeting. The Director/Nominated Supervisor may appoint a delegate if unable to attend Parents are encouraged to become members of CWA The Director’s/Nominated Supervisor’s report must be forwarded to the CWA of NSW
The Director/Nominated Supervisor will be responsible for:
the everyday running of the preschool to a standard approved by the NSW Department of Education,
day to day overseeing of the building, playground and equipment, and informing the Nundle CWA of any repairs needed or any new equipment which needs purchasing
arranging relief staff during employee absences,
preparation of forms and information for government and other bodies, e.g. council
Budget: It is the aim of the Management Committee that fees and subsidies will cover the salaries of the staff.
Setting of Fees: Fees are to be reviewed at the beginning of each year by the Nundle CWA and whenever deemed necessary by them. Division of fee assistance will be calculated by the authorised supervisor and staff, following Community Services guidelines.
Fee Assistance: Fee assistance is available to qualifying applicants upon completion of the appropriate form and supplying evidence of income. The evidence of income will be presented upon enrolment. The reduced fee will become effective from the date evidence is presented.
Membership Fee: A nominal membership fee will be collected at the beginning of the year, or on enrolment and a record of members maintained.
Fee Collection: This is the responsibility of the book keeper and staff
Accounts: It is preferred that accounts be settled in one payment. Those choosing to pay the full amount in one payment must pay within one (1) month of receipt of account. However, budget accounts are available on application and different payment conditions apply.
Holidays: Fees are not paid for school holidays or Public Holidays.
Method of Payment: Parents should place fees in an envelope which is to be labelled with the child’s name and marked “Fees Enclosed”. This is to be given to a staff member who will deposit it in the book keepers file.
Arrears: In the case of fees falling into arrears, the following procedures will be implemented:
When fees are two (2) weeks in arrears, a reminder note will be sent.
If fees are not brought up to date within a further two (2) weeks, a second reminder note will be sent, giving parents seven (7) days in which to pay before a meeting with the Management Committee to explain the non-payment of fees and how they plan to meet the commitment. Interest may be charged on overdue fees.
Should there be no response by the due date; legal action for the recovery of fees may be instigated.
Fees during absence: Fees will be paid for all sessions that the child is enrolled for. Special circumstances will be reviewed by the Nundle CWA.
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Nundle CWA Preschool
Our education and care service recognises and respects the importance of privacy and confidentiality as an individual right and a basis for building partnerships. Our service requires personal information from families to provide appropriate and responsive care. This policy has been developed to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) (2014) and pursues the highest standard in the protection and preservation of privacy and confidentiality
Goals – What are we going to do?
We will:
maintain private and confidential files for educators and staff, children and their families. We will develop systems for the appropriate use and storage of records.
ensure the information in these files is used only for the education and care of the child enrolled in the service, and only shared with relevant or authorised people as defined within authorisations of the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
Strategies – How will it be done?
Our education and care service aims to meet these goals through the adoption of this specific Privacy and Confidentiality policy and our Privacy Collection statement which will guide our practices in this area.
The Approved Provider will:
Collection of Information
Ensure that each family, staff, volunteers and student and committee member is provided with a privacy collection statement upon enrolment, that includes details about how they can access their personal information, have this corrected as needed, make a complaint about a breach of privacy, if one occurs.
Ensure each staff member, committee members, volunteers and student information is correct in personnel and other files. This includes information on qualifications, WWCC, criminal history checks, staff entitlements, contact and emergency information, health and immunisation information, and any relevant medical and legal information. This would include any other relevant information collected by the service.
Ensure that information collected from families, educators, committee members and the community is maintained in a private and confidential manner at all times.
Ensure that such information is not divulged or communicated (directly or indirectly) to another person other than the ways outlined as appropriate in the Education and Care Services National Regulations, 181, which says information can be communicated:
To the extent necessary for the education, care or medical treatment of the child;
To the parent of the child to whom the information relates (except for information in staff records);
To the regulatory authority or an authorised officer;
As authorised, permitted or required to be given by or under any act or law; and
With written consent of the person who provided the information.
Ensure families are informed upon enrolment how images/photographs of their children will be used on the Internet and/or publications.
Provide families with information on the Complaints and Feedback procedure if any privacy or confidentially procedure has been breached. Individuals can make a complaint to the Approved Provider if they believe there has been a breach of their privacy in relation to the Privacy principles. The breach will be assessed by the Approved Provider within 14 days. Where the information collected is incorrect, the information will be corrected. Where a serious breach of privacy is found, appropriate actions will be negotiated between the Approved Provider and the individual to resolve the situation, in line with the Complaints and Feedback procedure.
Will ensure information provided by families, staff and committee members is only used for the purpose it was collected for.
The Nominated Supervisor will:
Ensure each families’ information is correct in enrolment records. This includes information on immunisation updates, income and financial details, contact details of family and emergency contact information, children’s developmental records, Family Assistance information, and any medical or legal information – such as family court documentation - required by our education and care service. This would include any information required to be recorded under the National Law and Regulations, the Family Assistance Law other relevant information collected to support the enrolment of a child.
Provide families with details on the collection of personal information collected:
This information will include:
The types of information collected by our education and care service
The purpose of collecting information;
What types of information will be disclosed to the public or other agencies; and when and why disclosure may occur;
How information is stored at the service;
Approaches used to keep information secure;
Who has access to the information;
The right of the individual to view their personal information;
The length of time information needs to be archived; and
How information is disposed.
Will ensure information provided by families and staff is only used for the purpose it was collected for.
Storage of Information
Ensure that education and care service records, personnel records, children’s and families information is stored securely reducing the chance of unauthorised access, use or disclosure and remains private and confidential within the education and care environment at all times.
Access to Information
Will ensure that information kept is not divulged or communicated, directly or indirectly, to anyone other than:
Medical and developmental information that is required to adequately provide education and care for the child;
The Department of Education and Communities, or an authorised officer; or
As permitted or required by any Act or Law
Individuals will be allowed access to their personal information as requested. Individuals must request this information in writing from the Nominated Supervisor. Authorised persons may request to view any information kept on their child.
Information may be denied under the following conditions:
Access to information could compromise the privacy of another individual;
The request for information is frivolous or vexatious; and
The information relates to legal issues, or there are legal reasons not to divulge the information such as in cases of custody and legal guardianship.
Educators will:
Maintain children’s information and store documentation according to policy at all times.
Not share information about the education and care service, management information, other educators or children and families, without written permission or legislative authority.
In keeping with the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics (2008), the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the Privacy Legislation, educators and staff employed by our education and care service bound to respect the privacy rights of children enrolled and their families; educators and staff and their families and any other persons associated with the service. Educators will sign a Confidentiality Statement as it relates to privacy and confidentiality of information.
All information pertaining to the education and care service, educators and families is maintained in a private and confidential manner in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Education and Care Services National Regulation
Statutory Legislations & Considerations
Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010
Education and Care Services National Regulations
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
Australian Privacy Principles –
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner –
Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) –
Early Childhood Australia –
Privacy Collection Statement
This service is committed to maintaining all personal information provided by its children, families, staff, management, volunteers, students and community in accordance with our Privacy Policy and the Australian Privacy Principles.
Each family, staff, volunteers and student and committee member is provided with a privacy collection statement upon enrolment or commencement of employment.
This statement outlines the type of personal information collected by this service and how information is acquired, used and shared. We will not sell personal information to any third parties. See our full Privacy and Confidentiality policy for detailed information or contact us on (02) 67693188 or
What is personal information? How is it collected and why?
What information is collected? |
How we collect information? |
Why we collect this? |
Medical Information, Health and Immunisation |
To ensure the health and safety of every child and as a requirement under Family Assistance Law and the NSW Public Health Act 2010. |
Income and financial details, includes banking information |
For the provision of the education and care service and as required under Family Assistance legislation and as per Funding Agreements with the Department of Education and Communities. |
Contact details of family and emergency contact information |
Required under the Education and Care Services Regulation. |
Children’s developmental records |
Required under the Education and Care Services Regulation and to provide a high quality education and care service. |
Family Assistance information |
Required under the Family Assistance legislation and under employment legislation under Income Tax legislation. |
Legal information |
Required under the Education and Care Services Regulation. |
Employment, marital status and nationality |
Required under employment legislation and to provide priority of access under commonwealth and state legislation. |
Qualifications |
Required under the Education and Care Services Regulation. |
WWCC, criminal history checks |
Required under the Education and Care Services Regulation. |
Staff entitlements |
Provision of entitlements. |
Any information required to be recorded under the National Law and Regulations, the Family Assistance Law other relevant information collected to support the enrolment of a child |
Required under appropriate legislation. |
This service uses individual’s personal information to send information by post, email or telephone. Individuals are provided with an opportunity to elect not to receive such information upon enrolment or through written notification to the service.
If individuals do not wish to receive direct communications, contact our service directly on (02) 67693188 or
What happens with personal information?
This service will strive to let individuals know how any personal information will be used at the time of collection. Individuals will be asked if personal information can be used to establish contact with them regarding other aspects of organisational business. This service will not sell or trade individuals’ personal information to other third parties.
This service collects and uses personal information generally to provide individuals with the information and the services they request, to provide appropriate and relevant information pertaining to the education and care of a child/ren, and to continue to improve service quality.
Where is personal information stored?
Personal information is stored in a safe and secure manner, using locked filing cabinets or a password protected database and computer. Information is backed up electronically and securely stored. Data will not be altered or destroyed except in extraordinary circumstances.
Hard copy information is stored at the service, which is secured to prevent entry by unauthorised people. Any personal information not actively being used may be archived, in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Personal information will remain on the service database indefinitely until personally advised by a customer that information is to be removed, unless information has been archived or destroyed at an earlier date in accordance with privacy law and regulatory requirements.
Access and updating personal information
Individuals may ask to access, update or delete personal information held about them at any time. Reasonable steps will be taken to verify an individual’s identity before granting access, making any corrections to, or deleting information. If a customer wishes to make a complaint, please refer to the Complaints Policy.
Individuals requiring access to, or wanting to update personal information, can contact the service on (02) 67693188 or contact us at the below form